Tribology is a necessary requirement when designing, creating, and implanting devices that assist the heart. If these issues are not considered, the pump could have adverse effects on the blood, tissues and the heart.
One type of blood pump, called an LVAD or left ventricular assist device, is in development at MiTiHeart. Dr. Jahanmir addresses the design, testing and impact that this LVAD will have. In the picture, you can see the relative size and shape of the LVAD.
If you'd like to hear more, you can download the podcast, subscribe to get future episodes, or view the transcript. You can also continue the conversation by reading Dr. Jahanmir's article in TLT. The STLE website has many resources that you can use to find more information, including more on the biotribology technical tracks at both the International Joint Tribology Conference and the upcoming 2011 STLE Annual Meeting, as well as information on Dr. Jahanmir and his work at MiTiHeart.