The latest Webinar in the Industry Insight series will address Data Interpretation in Condition Monitoring. The Webinar is set for Wednesday, February 16, 2011, at 12:00 p.m. Central. This special presentation will last for 90 minutes, with 30 minutes of that time devoted to Q&A. With this event, STLE is introducing a new feature: a bonus Q&A session. This extended Q&A will last from 1:30-2:00 p.m. and will be available for those who wish to stay on the line. For those who have other commitments, the recording will capture the additional information and will be available for their review post-event.
The presentation will be given by Evan Zabawski, Education & Training Manager at Fluid Life. Evan is a Fourth Class Power Engineer with a degree in Chemical Engineering. He has been an STLE member for over 10 years, he is the Chair of the STLE-Alberta Section, an instructor for STLE's Annual Meeting Education Course on Condition Monitoring, and Editor of TLT Magazine.
This Webinar presentation will bring clarity and understanding to evaluating and interpreting oil analysis data into meaningful information directly related to the condition of the operating equipment. It examines many of the various fluid testing procedures, including a brief look at the purpose and limitations of each tests, to help provide better value from used oil analysis.
View the flyer for more information, or click here to register for the event. The registration deadline is set for Monday, February 14, 2011. There is limited space available. In order to ensure your participation, please register before this date. For full participation in the Webinar, you will receive 1.5 Education Credits (ECs) which may be used towards recertification. For details, please contact us at
In the second installment of our interview with Dr. Joseph Perez, we discuss bio-based lubricants. Bio-based lubricants are defined as lubricants that are formulated with renewable and biodegradable base stocks. Dr. Perez covers the advantages, potential detractors, the competition with petroleum-based products, and the challenges faced when researching and working with bio-based lubricants.
This podcast is part of a series designed to give you more information about a given topic while also providing information about our upcoming education courses offered at the 2011 STLE Annual Meeting. You can listen to expert interviews and preview education courses at the same time. To listen to this episode, click the "play" button on the slider bar above, download this week's episode, or read the transcript. You can get more information on bio-based lubricants, explore more about the Annual Meeting and see what other courses are offered on our website.
You can still sign up to participate in tomorrow's Webinar, but this is your last chance to sign up to attend the event. Be there tomorrow at 12:00 p.m. CST, where you can ask the questions you've been dying to ask and get real answers! You will get access to the live event, the recording, and additional reading materials that may interest you. It may also count for 1.0 Education Credits (ECs), which can be applied to the recertification process. If you have any questions, please contact us at Visit our website or view the flyer for more information about this exclusive live Webinar event.
A large number of people own or drive some kind of vehicle, and everyone would like to get the most that they can out of their investment. This includes the cost of getting to your destination. With the rising price of gas, and the worldwide demand for automotive transportation remaining strong, this is a very significant issue.
STLE's first Webinar of the new year will address this topic, referred to as automotive propulsion. The presentation will cover new fuel-saving technologies such as variable valve actuation, cylinder deactivation, additional forward-speed transmissions, and hybrid powertrains. In addition, vehicles that run on alternative fuels are commercially available, and will be discussed.
The presentation will be given by Dr. Edward P. Becker, a Technical Specialist who works in the Powertrain Division at General Motors. He has more than 30 years of experience, and will be sharing his insight and expertise with us in this presentation. The presentation will last for 60 minutes, with ample time for Q&A.
The presentation will take place on Wednesday, January 19, 2011, at 12:00 p.m. CST. To register, please see the flyer for details. To participate, you will need computer speakers or headphones. Attendance costs $39 for STLE members and $59 for non-members. To register, you will need to sign up on our website if you do not have a Member ID (signing up is free). The registration deadline is TODAY to guarantee your seat in the event. After today, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to participate, as we have a limited number of people that can be in the event at one time. Make sure to view the flyer for all pertinent information about the event. You can also check out our website for more. Full participation in the webinar will be worth 1.0 Education Credits (STLE ECs) which may be used toward recertification. If you have any questions, please call (847) 825-5536 or email us at
This podcast marks the beginning of a series that is designed to shed some light on the 2011 Annual Meeting and the education courses offered. In this series, we talk to course instructors and get a feel for the topics covered in their courses.
Get your personal preview now by downloading the first episode. To listen, simply click the "play" button on the slider bar above, download the file to your computer, or read the transcript. In this episode, we talk to Dr. Joseph Perez, Senior Research Scientist at Penn State. Dr. Perez is the Chair of the Biofuels and Biolubricants course at the 2011 Annual Meeting. This podcast will look at bio-based fuels, with the second episode on bio-based lubricants to be released at the end of this month.
Biofuels are defined as a wide range of fuels that serve as alternatives to petroleum fuels. They are in some way derived from biomass. The term biofuel covers a wide variety of projects involving the conversion of natural resources to fuels.
Dr. Perez works with biofuels on a daily basis. He leads an initiative at Penn State to make the university "green." The program, conducted by Dr. Perez and the Chemical Engineering Department's Tribology Group, involves overseeing and studying the use of biobased lubricants and biofuels in the university's farm equipment, elevators and campus vehicles. He is also currently involved in a range of biofuel studies that look at improving low temperature characteristics and oxidation stability of biodiesel. Dr. Perez will be teaching a part of the course, and will be accompanied by other individuals who work or conduct research in this field. You can get more information on biofuels, the 2011 Annual Meeting, and the AM education course line up by visiting our website.