In this interview, we talk to Anna Mayo (pictured at right), a high school student who has completed a number of science fair projects related to tribology and lubrication engineering including studying different materials that reduce friction, viscosity levels for lubricity and mechanical applications and the role of a lubricant and its viscosity in that application (see photo: a project in process).
She has presented at the Annual Meeting of the Ohio Academy of Science and has had abstracts published in the Ohio Journal of Science – click here or here to read two of her poster abstracts. In addition to her research and projects, she is an active volunteer and has been very active at her school – participating in student council, basketball, softball and cheer leading. She is involved with the biomedical program at her school and absolutely loves science. While unsure of her ultimate career path, she knows she’d like to do something related to the field. Listen to this interview to hear about her projects and get her perspective about the field and her work.
Important to note is the role of a mentor from the society – (Jack) Mike Miller, Product Manager at Mid-State Industrial Lubricants. While the work is her own, Mike has been a good sounding board for Anna as she has progressed and as she comes up with new, more challenging projects for the Science Fair. Try your hand at mentoring - you may find it very rewarding. Read what two of our members have to say about the subject: Maureen Hunter and Noreen Cherry. You can mentor by contacting us at (847) 825-5536 or at Our current President, Michael Dugger, also wrote an article on high school students and the importance of fostering the future generation and the field for December's TLT. Click here to read the current issue, and to view December's issue when it becomes available.
STLE is dedicated to developing new professionals and supporting students who are working in the tribology field. Visit our website for resources for both students and young professionals, and to join the community of tribology and lubrication professionals. If you are looking for a resource, or have ideas on resources or events we should offer, let us know via email or feedback.